This week has been a busy week for criminals in Gaston County

Posted by on 12/15/2016 to Firearms Classes
This week has been a busy week for criminals in Gaston County

No one ever anticipates being the victim. You must make sure that you are both mentally and physically prepared to protect yourself.

This week has been a busy week for criminals in Gaston County. Tuesday night, a lady was picking her boyfriend up from Advanced Drainage Systems, a pipe business on East Maine Avenue in Bessemer City. A man approached, as he pointed a gun at her, while she waited on her boyfriend. He started yelling at her to give him money then forced her into the back seat of her car. He then drove her around the city of Gastonia. The assailant eventually pulled over, put her out of the car, zip-tied her arms behind her back, her legs together and broke her phone. He stated to her, "If you call police, I'm going to shoot you and your kids up."

Just last night, three suspects used knives to rob the Lowes in Gastonia. The three are accused of wielding a knife to endanger the lives’ of two Lowe's employees. In the process, the trio allegedly made off with thousands of dollars in merchandise.

In both of these cases, lives where put into danger while property was being taken. This is a very dangerous situation to be put into, and it can happen to you! I am willing to bet that these victims never thought that it would happen to them. The bad guys always choose the time and the place; you must be prepared and properly trained.  You must remember that you are responsible for your own safety!

Carolinas First Defense has at least one North Carolina Concealed Carry Class per month, and also provides other levels of handgun training throughout the year. Our North Carolina Concealed Carry Class is the most comprehensive class available. We do not only teach you about the use of deadly force, but also about the use of less lethal force to bring a situation under control. All of our classes are limited in size. Please visit our website to register for our next class:

We are looking forward to seeing you on the range soon

“If you knew that you would be fighting for your life tomorrow, would you change the way that you train today?”

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