H.R. 218 Class For Retired Law Enforcement Officers

Item No.:HR218

H.R. 218 Class For Retired Law Enforcement Officers

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H.R. 218 Class For Retired Law Enforcement Officers
H.R. 218 Class For Retired Law Enforcement Officers
Retail Price:$175.00
Your Savings:$85.00
Your Price:$90.00
H.R. 218 Class For Retired Law Enforcement Officers

The North Carolina General Assembly enacted legislation in 2007 allowing the NC Criminal Justice Education Standards Commission to “establish standards and guidelines for the annual firearms certification of qualified retired law enforcement officers.” This action was a result of the passage by the US Congress of the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (known as H.R. 218) which allows for qualified and trained active law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed weapons nationwide. Following a lengthy process, the program for qualification of retired officers has now been developed and Carolinas First Defense is now offering this specialized class to all retired law enforcement officers who reside in North Carolina.

Under the federal law, retired law enforcement officers may carry concealed firearms nationwide if they meet the definition of a “qualified retired law enforcement officer” as specified in H.R. 218 and have, within the most recent 12-month period, met the State’s standards for training and qualification for active law enforcement officers to carry firearms. A retired officer residing in North Carolina may meet the State’s standards by enrolling in a class provided by a certified law enforcement Specialized Firearms Instructor and successfully complete the training and qualification. After completion of the class, the retired law enforcement officer may then apply to the Criminal Justice Standards Commission for certification under the new Retired Law Enforcement Officers Firearms Qualification Certification Program. For more information pertaining to this law and the requirements set by the Federal and State government, please visit www.ncdoj.com and click on Law Enforcement Training & Standards.

This class will be a six-hour class, which includes legal updates, firearm safety, fundamentals of marksmanship, as well as daytime and nightime qualification. Qualification will include a 30-round course of fire daytime, a 30-round course of fire nightime, as well as a day and night combat course totaling 100 rounds of fire (you may want to bring more than 100 rounds of ammunition). You must qualify with every handgun that you choose to carry under the provisions of H.R. 218.

Carolinas First Defense offers a unique H.R. 218 class that is not only a class, but an experience! Not only will you walk away with the knowledge, techniques, and skills it takes to apply for your annual H.R.218 certification.

The H.R. 218 For Retired law enforcement class requires that an individual that attends must meet several minimum standards as set forth by the Federal and North Carolina Administrative Code.

Those requirements are:

a) Course must be a minimum of six (6) hours long plus range and qualification time.
b) The legal block of instruction must be a minimum of two (2) hours in length.
c) A written legal examination is required.
d) A shooting proficiency examination is required. We will be shooting a day and night course of fire

Required Equipment

Retired law enforcement deputies, officers, troopers, and federal/ state agents who wish to participate in a H.R. 218 Class must have the following:

*Photo identification showing proof from the agency in which you retired.

*To be eligible for this class, you can be retired from any law enforcement agency within the United States, but your current primary residency must be in North Carolina.

*Good Quality Handgun  and  100 Rounds of Ammunition "to be used at the range", Eye Safety Glasses, Hearing Protection, three magazines for semi-automatic pistols, and a flashlight.

*Handguns may utilize the following calibers: .380 caliber, 9 mm, .40 caliber, .45 caliber, 357Sig, .38 Special, 357 Magnum. (No other calibers of ammunition will be allowed) 

*Only handguns chambered for the approved calibers will be authorized.
*Firearms will be inspected for safety and functionality by Carolinas First Defense firearms  instructors.
*Firearms found to be unsafe or un-serviceable will not be allowed on the firing line. 

*NOTE!  Some types of ammunition are in short supply.  Please do not wait until the last minute to obtain your ammo. 

Holster (no cross draw or shoulder holsters allowed due to safety concerns.) Please bring a belt for your holster. 

Hat or Cap with brim (to deflect hot spent shells and prevent them from getting between your safety glasses and eyes).  

Loose fitting clothing with pockets works best or a coat with pockets for ammunition and magazines. 

Location: TBD (Class 
location and time will be emailed once you are registered for the class)

Time: TBD

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Customer Reviews
5 Stars
Retired NC SHP
I attended this class on Thursday April 16, 2015. This was an initial ceritfication class for me. The class was excellent. Jesse has a wealth of knowledge about the laws, firearms, shooting and equipment. The class was conducted in a very professional manner. On the range, we had some "one on one" time with Jesse along with the qualifying rounds. Jesse is very willing to provide students with all the instruction and information that you need or would like to know. Nothing is rushed. Very relaxed atmosphere and a great opportunity to meet fellow LEO's from various agencies and from around the counrty who now call NC home. HIGHLY RECOMMEND this class to all Active and Retired LEO's.
Did you find this helpful?  24 of 26 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Stanley, NC. on 4/20/2015
5 Stars
HR-218 Class
I attended the most recent HR-218 Class in May of 2014. As a law enforcement officer we have all received extensive firearms training. However, how many times have we gone to a tragic scene involving the accidental discharge of a weapon, seen the results, and heard the words, I didn't know it was loaded? I for one, was elated how Jesse stressed Gun Safety and practiced it, during all phases of his instruction on the field and in the classroom. Good job Jesse - exceptional! I hope to take your course again in 2015. Remember guys, no one, not active or retired law enforcement officers can be too careful when handling firearms. I cannot over recommend Jesse's HR-218 class. Try it, you'll be glad you did! Tom from Cornelius, North Carolina (retired law enforce officer from New York State after 35 years of service.)
Did you find this helpful?  14 of 16 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Cornelius, NC. on 7/11/2014
5 Stars
Retired Law Enforcement
I completed the course taught by Jesse, very professional, full of good stuff to know regarding NC laws. If your retired law enforcement this is the place to complete your training requirements for HR-218.
Did you find this helpful?  13 of 15 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Charlotte. on 5/15/2014
5 Stars
NCSHP First Sergeant (Ret.)
Anybody taking this course who has retired from an agency other than the NCSHP will have the pleasure of receiving the same professional level of training provided to North Carolina State Troopers. Jesse Saucier draws upon not only his own training practices, but also his experiences as a state law enforcement officer. We are fortunate to have this course available to us on this end of the state. I will recommend it to other retired law enforcement officers. None should be without an HR 218 permit.
Did you find this helpful?  10 of 11 Found Helpful
Reviewed by: (Verified Buyer)  from Arden, NC. on 11/25/2014
5 Stars
Retired Highway Patrol Sergeant
Excellent training regarding legal aspects as well as firearms. Jesse is very good at presenting the class in an engaging manner. Excellent program>
Did you find this helpful?  8 of 9 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Shelby, NC. on 11/13/2014
5 Stars
H.R. 218 - Retired Lieutenant
I attended the class in July 2017. Jesse does an excellent job and I would recommend the class to any retired LEO's maintaining HR 218 certification. This was for a renewal so this was my second time taking the class.
Did you find this helpful?  3 of 5 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Charlotte, NC. on 7/23/2017
5 Stars
What a great course. Jesse is a great instructor and highly recommended.
Did you find this helpful?  3 of 4 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Maggie Valley, NC. on 7/16/2017
5 Stars
Retired Federal Law Enforcement Officer
This is an excellent well rounded and fun course for retired LEOs to take. I highly recommend it. Jesse does a superb job and puts a lot of effort into the quality and content of the instruction. It is a very reasonably priced course for all that you receive in training.
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Reviewed by:  from Winston-Salem. on 4/18/2017
5 Stars
retired 40 plus US Customs Off.
This past Nov I had the pleasure to renew my HR218 Firearms qualification, with one of the best firearms instructors I have had the pleasure to work and rain under. Having had prior experience n LEO firearms training and having conducted instructional both classroom and range training for over 350 officers in the Florida area during my position as team leader and instructor for the Miami area, I can assure those who attend NS State Patrol officer HR218 course will find it rewarding, informative and will walk away having learned and honed your police marksmanship skills. Officer Jesse take it his personal mission for each student (officer) to develope and hone his marksmanship, get update information on the law as it pertains to retired LEO under HR218. Off. Jesse mission is for each shooter to leave his class equipt better to survive that when they entered his classroom. Again Off Jesse makes the long class and range time informative and productive. Looking to attend his other courses he offers to retired LEO and present officers who wish to improve and keep marksmanship skills at the top of individual performance levels.
Did you find this helpful?  3 of 5 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Iron Station , NC. on 12/15/2016

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